# Factoids for r199d running on 'joti@x.x.10.37' generated on Wed Feb 12 11:25:40 UTC 2025 date: 2025.02.12 11:25:40 machine: joti podname: joti lanip: x.x.10.37 wanip: 2603:3005:b03:8e00:e5ea:96d:837e:5055 os: 13.4 uptime: 11:25 up 164 days, 13:53, 5 users, load averages: 1.97 2.16 2.22 loadavg: 2.16 normal stable swapusage: vm.swapusage: total = 4096.00M used = 3727.06M free = 368.94M (encrypted) disk_size_gb: 228 disk_used_gb: 8 disk_used_pct: 5 version: 176 fullversion: 176.20230903.121048 version_esound: esound 0.001.20220724.1031 version_butt: butt 0.1.16 +jtb 0.001.20220729.1523 version_audiodev: audiodev 0.001.20220703.1515 version_magick: ImageMagick 7.0.10-43 Q16 x86_64 2020-11-23 https://imagemagick.org version_eventoverlay: eventOverlay 0.001.20230425.1125 version_gitlfs: git-lfs/3.4.0 (GitHub; darwin arm64; go 1.20.5; git d06d6e9e) version_gnuplot: gnuplot 5.4 patchlevel 3 version_id3v2: id3v2 0.1.12 version_radiomix: NA version_slarchive: slarchive version: 2.2 version_sox: sox: SoX v version_sshfs: NA version_soxoverlay: soxOverLay 0.001.20230420.0943 audio_device_prefix: psmdev sourcedirs: PSM_PROJECT/slink/inbound/AM/R199D channels: AM.R199D.00.EHZ datatype: miniseed fixrate: 44100 gamma: 100 hours: 12 instrument: Racotech RGI-20DX geophone instrument_type: seismometer location: Cambridge, MA, USA maxfrequency: 50 network: Raspberry Shake recorder: Raspberry Shake+Boom sample_rate: 100 signal_source: solid Earth signal_type: seismic station: R199D station_lat: 42.3888 station_lon: -71.1236 station_url: https://stationview.raspberryshake.org/#/?net=AM&sta=R199D dbgain: 40 audio_device: psmdev1 endtime: loopmax: network_url: https://raspberryshake.net soxcompand: compand 0.001,0.001 -80,-70,-20,-10,0,-3 soxfilter: highpass -2 10 spectropost: comment: This sensor responds to much higher frequencies than most of the others featured in the Earthsound Project. Most of the signals you hear are of human origin: commuter trains (the swoosh that occurs twice per hour during the day), vehicle traffic on a nearby street, as well as chirps and hums from air conditioners and heat pumps on the roof of the building and in the neighborhood. Some of the sounds are of mysterious orgin. Although the city is a noisy place, occasionally the rumble of a distant earthquake will break through the cacophony. cc_port: 8056 cc_account: rscam cc_streamurl: https://audibleearth.com/proxy/rscam/stream referenceTime: 20250212112526 hours: -12 dbGainForSpectro: 40 spectrogram: raw caption: Channel R199D | Cambridge, MA, USA (seismic) | R199D (Raspberry Shake) | ending Wed Feb 12 11:25:26 UTC 2025 rms: 0.012430 nchannels: 1 runseconds: 51906 runtime: 0 days 14:25:06 recency: 1 shoutcastPort: 8056 esound_total_samples: 4320000 esound_min_missing_samples: 79 esound_max_missing_samples: 79 esound_min_muted_samples: 0 esound_max_muted_samples: 0 esound_min_sample_interval_msec: 10 esound_max_sample_interval_msec: 10