PSM System Health
Here's a summary of the current health of the Planetary Sound Machine's streams, pods, and dispatchers. Reload this page to refresh the info. Click table headers to sort. Hover the mouse over table column headers and some table cells to get additional info.
stream | stat | F/D | flags | web | pod | lat | con | e | dir | sox | but | CC pod |
CC srvr |
CC id |
CC port |
CC ears |
sta | speed | real dur |
aud dur |
ch | fil | com | dev | pod | ver | runtime |
CASY | CASY is reaching the Centova Cast server CASY is not reaching the Centova Cast server. BUTT may be hung. Consider restarting BUTT. The Centova Cast server is up The Centova Cast server is down | 4|4 | - | es15 | 8028 | – | CASY | ×1,800 | 168 hrs | 05:36 | 2 | Yes | Yes | 4 | ms-persephone | 178 | 3 days 20:40:50 | ||||||||||
ERM | ERM is reaching the Centova Cast server ERM is not reaching the Centova Cast server. BUTT may be hung. Consider restarting BUTT. The Centova Cast server is up The Centova Cast server is down | 4|4 | - | es12 | 8022 | – | ERM | ×1,800 | 168 hrs | 05:36 | 2 | Yes | Yes | 5 | ms-persephone | 178 | 3 days 20:42:22 | ||||||||||
ESK | ESK is reaching the Centova Cast server ESK is not reaching the Centova Cast server. BUTT may be hung. Consider restarting BUTT. The Centova Cast server is up The Centova Cast server is down | 5|5 | - | es02 | 8002 | – | ESK | ×900 | 48 hrs | 03:12 | 2 | Yes | Yes | 4 | ms-rhea | 178 | 6 days 14:27:49 | ||||||||||
FFC | FFC is reaching the Centova Cast server FFC is not reaching the Centova Cast server. BUTT may be hung. Consider restarting BUTT. The Centova Cast server is up The Centova Cast server is down | 5|5 | - | es01 | 8000 | – | FFC | ×1,800 | 168 hrs | 05:36 | 2 | Yes | Yes | 9 | ms-rhea | 178 | 6 days 14:24:29 | ||||||||||
HOPE | HOPE is reaching the Centova Cast server HOPE is not reaching the Centova Cast server. BUTT may be hung. Consider restarting BUTT. The Centova Cast server is up The Centova Cast server is down | 5|5 | - | es07 | 8012 | – | HOPE | ×1,800 | 168 hrs | 05:36 | 2 | Yes | Yes | 5 | ms-osiris | 178 | 11 days 17:50:31 | ||||||||||
KDAK | KDAK is reaching the Centova Cast server KDAK is not reaching the Centova Cast server. BUTT may be hung. Consider restarting BUTT. The Centova Cast server is up The Centova Cast server is down | 4|4 | - | es09 | 8016 | – | KDAK | ×1,800 | 168 hrs | 05:36 | 2 | Yes | Yes | 1 | ms-persephone | 178 | 3 days 20:40:42 | ||||||||||
KIEV | KIEV is reaching the Centova Cast server KIEV is not reaching the Centova Cast server. BUTT may be hung. Consider restarting BUTT. The Centova Cast server is up The Centova Cast server is down | 5|5 | - | es24 | 8046 | – | KIEV | ×900 | 48 hrs | 03:12 | 2 | Yes | Yes | 2 | ms-osiris | 178 | 11 days 17:49:47 | ||||||||||
KWJN | KWJN is reaching the Centova Cast server KWJN is not reaching the Centova Cast server. BUTT may be hung. Consider restarting BUTT. The Centova Cast server is up The Centova Cast server is down | 5|5 | - | es27 | 8052 | – | KWJN | ×1,000 | 96 hrs | 05:45 | 2 | Yes | Yes | 4 | ms-osiris | 178 | 11 days 17:48:01 | ||||||||||
LVZ | LVZ is reaching the Centova Cast server LVZ is not reaching the Centova Cast server. BUTT may be hung. Consider restarting BUTT. The Centova Cast server is up The Centova Cast server is down | 4|4 | - | es14 | 8026 | – | LVZ | ×1,800 | 168 hrs | 05:36 | 2 | Yes | Yes | 3 | ms-persephone | 178 | 3 days 20:40:26 | ||||||||||
MBAR | MBAR is reaching the Centova Cast server MBAR is not reaching the Centova Cast server. BUTT may be hung. Consider restarting BUTT. The Centova Cast server is up The Centova Cast server is down | 5|5 | - | es05 | 8008 | – | MBAR | ×1,800 | 168 hrs | 05:36 | 2 | Yes | Yes | 2 | ms-rhea | 178 | 6 days 14:24:53 | ||||||||||
MSVF | MSVF is reaching the Centova Cast server MSVF is not reaching the Centova Cast server. BUTT may be hung. Consider restarting BUTT. The Centova Cast server is up The Centova Cast server is down | 4|4 | - | es22 | 8042 | – | MSVF | ×1,800 | 168 hrs | 05:36 | 2 | Yes | Yes | 2 | ms-persephone | 178 | 3 days 20:40:28 | ||||||||||
NNA | NNA is reaching the Centova Cast server NNA is not reaching the Centova Cast server. BUTT may be hung. Consider restarting BUTT. The Centova Cast server is up The Centova Cast server is down | 4|4 | - | es08 | 8014 | – | NNA | ×1,800 | 168 hrs | 05:36 | 2 | Yes | Yes | 2 | ms-cygnus | 178 | 11 days 12:29:52 | ||||||||||
PMSA | PMSA is reaching the Centova Cast server PMSA is not reaching the Centova Cast server. BUTT may be hung. Consider restarting BUTT. The Centova Cast server is up The Centova Cast server is down | 5|5 | - | es23 | 8044 | – | PMSA | ×500 | 48 hrs | 05:45 | 2 | Yes | Yes | 1 | ms-rhea | 178 | 6 days 14:24:10 | ||||||||||
R199D | R199D is reaching the Centova Cast server R199D is not reaching the Centova Cast server. BUTT may be hung. Consider restarting BUTT. The Centova Cast server is up The Centova Cast server is down | 5|5 | - | rscam | 8056 | – | R199D | ×100 | 12 hrs | 07:11 | 1 | Yes | Yes | 1 | joti | 176 | 0 days 12:55:35 | ||||||||||
R199DB | R199DB is reaching the Centova Cast server R199DB is not reaching the Centova Cast server. BUTT may be hung. Consider restarting BUTT. The Centova Cast server is up The Centova Cast server is down | 5|5 | - | rscam2 | 8058 | – | R199D | ×100 | 12 hrs | 07:11 | 1 | Yes | Yes | 2 | joti | 176 | 19 days 06:44:50 | ||||||||||
SAO | SAO is reaching the Centova Cast server SAO is not reaching the Centova Cast server. BUTT may be hung. Consider restarting BUTT. The Centova Cast server is up The Centova Cast server is down | 5|5 | - | es16 | 8030 | – | SAO | ×1,800 | 168 hrs | 05:36 | 2 | Yes | Yes | 3 | ms-osiris | 178 | 11 days 17:45:47 | ||||||||||
SJG | SJG is reaching the Centova Cast server SJG is not reaching the Centova Cast server. BUTT may be hung. Consider restarting BUTT. The Centova Cast server is up The Centova Cast server is down | 5|5 | - | es28 | 8054 | – | SJG | ×1,000 | 96 hrs | 05:45 | 2 | Yes | Yes | 1 | ms-osiris | 178 | 11 days 17:50:10 | ||||||||||
ULN | ULN is reaching the Centova Cast server ULN is not reaching the Centova Cast server. BUTT may be hung. Consider restarting BUTT. The Centova Cast server is up The Centova Cast server is down | 5|5 | - | es21 | 8040 | – | ULN | ×900 | 48 hrs | 03:12 | 2 | Yes | Yes | 3 | ms-rhea | 178 | 6 days 14:26:29 | ||||||||||
WES | WES is reaching the Centova Cast server WES is not reaching the Centova Cast server. BUTT may be hung. Consider restarting BUTT. The Centova Cast server is up The Centova Cast server is down | 4|4 | - | es04 | 8006 | – | WES | ×1,800 | 168 hrs | 05:36 | 2 | Yes | Yes | 3 | ms-cygnus | 178 | 9 days 20:57:42 | ||||||||||
WRAB | WRAB is reaching the Centova Cast server WRAB is not reaching the Centova Cast server. BUTT may be hung. Consider restarting BUTT. The Centova Cast server is up The Centova Cast server is down | 5|5 | - | es11 | 8020 | – | WRAB | ×1,800 | 168 hrs | 05:36 | 2 | Yes | Yes | 4 | ms-cygnus | 178 | 11 days 12:28:04 | ||||||||||
I59H | 0|0 | - | – | – | – | I59H | ×200 | 12 hrs | 03:35 | 2 | Yes | Yes | 2 | ms-nut | 160 | 0 days 21:07:59 | |||||||||||
SACV | SACV is reaching the Centova Cast server SACV is not reaching the Centova Cast server. BUTT may be hung. Consider restarting BUTT. The Centova Cast server is up The Centova Cast server is down | 0|0 | - | es13 | 8024 | – | SACV | ×1,800 | 168 hrs | 05:36 | 2 | Yes | Yes | 5 | ms-cygnus | 176 | 0 days 05:02:45 | ||||||||||
SBA | 0|0 | - | – | – | – | SBA | ×500 | 48 hrs | 05:45 | 2 | Yes | Yes | 1 | ms-cygnus | 174 | 0 days 03:15:54 |
server | ping | ip | os | ver | load | uptime | pods managed |
ms-mercury | x.x.22.67 | 15.3 | 180 | 1.98 | 7 days | joti ms-cygnus ms-mercury ms-osiris ms-persephone ms-rhea |
Recently handled exceptions
2025.02.12 09:29:12 @ ms-rhea: EXCEPTION esk/buttctl restart: pod housecall found butt=DOWN
2025.02.12 09:07:27 @ ms-osiris: EXCEPTION hope/buttctl restart: pod housecall found butt=DOWN
2025.02.11 21:00:16 @ joti: EXCEPTION r199d/restart: pod housecall found sox=HUNG
2025.02.11 18:29:46 @ ms-osiris: EXCEPTION kwjn/buttctl restart: pod housecall found butt=DOWN
2025.02.11 17:39:26 @ ms-persephone: EXCEPTION casy/buttctl restart: pod housecall found butt=DOWN
2025.02.11 17:16:56 @ ms-osiris: EXCEPTION hope/buttctl restart: pod housecall found butt=DOWN
2025.02.11 09:46:08 @ joti: EXCEPTION r199db/buttctl restart: pod housecall found butt=DOWN
2025.02.11 09:46:07 @ joti: EXCEPTION r199d/buttctl restart: pod housecall found butt=DOWN
2025.02.11 07:53:27 @ ms-osiris: EXCEPTION sjg/buttctl restart: pod housecall found butt=DOWN
2025.02.11 06:11:09 @ joti: EXCEPTION r199db/buttctl restart: pod housecall found butt=DOWN
2025.02.12 09:07:27 @ ms-osiris: EXCEPTION hope/buttctl restart: pod housecall found butt=DOWN
2025.02.11 21:00:16 @ joti: EXCEPTION r199d/restart: pod housecall found sox=HUNG
2025.02.11 18:29:46 @ ms-osiris: EXCEPTION kwjn/buttctl restart: pod housecall found butt=DOWN
2025.02.11 17:39:26 @ ms-persephone: EXCEPTION casy/buttctl restart: pod housecall found butt=DOWN
2025.02.11 17:16:56 @ ms-osiris: EXCEPTION hope/buttctl restart: pod housecall found butt=DOWN
2025.02.11 09:46:08 @ joti: EXCEPTION r199db/buttctl restart: pod housecall found butt=DOWN
2025.02.11 09:46:07 @ joti: EXCEPTION r199d/buttctl restart: pod housecall found butt=DOWN
2025.02.11 07:53:27 @ ms-osiris: EXCEPTION sjg/buttctl restart: pod housecall found butt=DOWN
2025.02.11 06:11:09 @ joti: EXCEPTION r199db/buttctl restart: pod housecall found butt=DOWN