PSM System Health

Here's a summary of the current health of the Planetary Sound Machine's streams, pods, and dispatchers. Reload this page to refresh the info. Click table headers to sort. Hover the mouse over table column headers and some table cells to get additional info.

stream stat F/D flags web pod lat con e dir sox but CC
sta speed real
ch fil com dev pod ver runtime
CASY   4|4 - es15 8028 CASY ×1,800 168 hrs 05:36 2 Yes Yes 4 ms-persephone 178 3 days 20:40:50
ERM   4|4 - es12 8022 ERM ×1,800 168 hrs 05:36 2 Yes Yes 5 ms-persephone 178 3 days 20:42:22
ESK   5|5 - es02 8002 ESK ×900 48 hrs 03:12 2 Yes Yes 4 ms-rhea 178 6 days 14:27:49
FFC   5|5 - es01 8000 FFC ×1,800 168 hrs 05:36 2 Yes Yes 9 ms-rhea 178 6 days 14:24:29
HOPE   5|5 - es07 8012 HOPE ×1,800 168 hrs 05:36 2 Yes Yes 5 ms-osiris 178 11 days 17:50:31
KDAK   4|4 - es09 8016 KDAK ×1,800 168 hrs 05:36 2 Yes Yes 1 ms-persephone 178 3 days 20:40:42
KIEV   5|5 - es24 8046 KIEV ×900 48 hrs 03:12 2 Yes Yes 2 ms-osiris 178 11 days 17:49:47
KWJN   5|5 - es27 8052 KWJN ×1,000 96 hrs 05:45 2 Yes Yes 4 ms-osiris 178 11 days 17:48:01
LVZ   4|4 - es14 8026 LVZ ×1,800 168 hrs 05:36 2 Yes Yes 3 ms-persephone 178 3 days 20:40:26
MBAR   5|5 - es05 8008 MBAR ×1,800 168 hrs 05:36 2 Yes Yes 2 ms-rhea 178 6 days 14:24:53
MSVF   4|4 - es22 8042 MSVF ×1,800 168 hrs 05:36 2 Yes Yes 2 ms-persephone 178 3 days 20:40:28
NNA   4|4 - es08 8014 NNA ×1,800 168 hrs 05:36 2 Yes Yes 2 ms-cygnus 178 11 days 12:29:52
PMSA   5|5 - es23 8044 PMSA ×500 48 hrs 05:45 2 Yes Yes 1 ms-rhea 178 6 days 14:24:10
R199D   5|5 - rscam 8056 R199D ×100 12 hrs 07:11 1 Yes Yes 1 joti 176 0 days 12:55:35
R199DB   5|5 - rscam2 8058 R199D ×100 12 hrs 07:11 1 Yes Yes 2 joti 176 19 days 06:44:50
SAO   5|5 - es16 8030 SAO ×1,800 168 hrs 05:36 2 Yes Yes 3 ms-osiris 178 11 days 17:45:47
SJG   5|5 - es28 8054 SJG ×1,000 96 hrs 05:45 2 Yes Yes 1 ms-osiris 178 11 days 17:50:10
ULN   5|5 - es21 8040 ULN ×900 48 hrs 03:12 2 Yes Yes 3 ms-rhea 178 6 days 14:26:29
WES   4|4 - es04 8006 WES ×1,800 168 hrs 05:36 2 Yes Yes 3 ms-cygnus 178 9 days 20:57:42
WRAB   5|5 - es11 8020 WRAB ×1,800 168 hrs 05:36 2 Yes Yes 4 ms-cygnus 178 11 days 12:28:04
I59H   0|0 - I59H ×200 12 hrs 03:35 2 Yes Yes 2 ms-nut 160 0 days 21:07:59
SACV   0|0 - es13 8024 SACV ×1,800 168 hrs 05:36 2 Yes Yes 5 ms-cygnus 176 0 days 05:02:45
SBA   0|0 - SBA ×500 48 hrs 05:45 2 Yes Yes 1 ms-cygnus 174 0 days 03:15:54


server ping ip os ver load uptime active modules dispatcher
joti x.x.10.37 13.4 176 2.46 164 days slink r199d r199db ms-mercury
ms-cygnus x.x.102.146 15.3 180 1.61 11 days slink nna wes sba sacv wrab ms-mercury
ms-mercury x.x.22.67 15.3 180 1.96 7 days dispatcher ms-mercury
ms-osiris x.x.161.84 15.3 178 3.54 11 days slink kiev kwjn sjg sao hope ms-mercury
ms-persephone x.x.46.129 15.2 178 2.08 4 days slink msvf lvz kdak erm casy ms-mercury
ms-rhea x.x.31.38 15.3 178 1.60 8 days slink esk uln pmsa ffc mbar ms-mercury


server ping ip os ver load uptime pods managed
ms-mercury x.x.22.67 15.3 180 1.98 7 days joti ms-cygnus ms-mercury ms-osiris
ms-persephone ms-rhea

Recently handled exceptions

2025.02.12 09:29:12 @ ms-rhea: EXCEPTION esk/buttctl restart: pod housecall found butt=DOWN
2025.02.12 09:07:27 @ ms-osiris: EXCEPTION hope/buttctl restart: pod housecall found butt=DOWN
2025.02.11 21:00:16 @ joti: EXCEPTION r199d/restart: pod housecall found sox=HUNG
2025.02.11 18:29:46 @ ms-osiris: EXCEPTION kwjn/buttctl restart: pod housecall found butt=DOWN
2025.02.11 17:39:26 @ ms-persephone: EXCEPTION casy/buttctl restart: pod housecall found butt=DOWN
2025.02.11 17:16:56 @ ms-osiris: EXCEPTION hope/buttctl restart: pod housecall found butt=DOWN
2025.02.11 09:46:08 @ joti: EXCEPTION r199db/buttctl restart: pod housecall found butt=DOWN
2025.02.11 09:46:07 @ joti: EXCEPTION r199d/buttctl restart: pod housecall found butt=DOWN
2025.02.11 07:53:27 @ ms-osiris: EXCEPTION sjg/buttctl restart: pod housecall found butt=DOWN
2025.02.11 06:11:09 @ joti: EXCEPTION r199db/buttctl restart: pod housecall found butt=DOWN