Audio Streams

Streams currently available on this website:

CASY (seismic, ×1,800) – Casey, Antarctica  
ERM (seismic, ×1,800) – Erimo, Hokkaido, Japan  
FFC (seismic, ×1,800) – Flin Flon, MB, Canada  
HOPE (seismic, ×1,800) – Hope Point, South Georgia Island  
KDAK (seismic, ×1,800) – Kodiak Island, Alaska, USA  
KIEV (seismic, ×900) – Kyiv, Ukraine  
KWJN (seismic, ×1,000) – Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands  
MBAR (seismic, ×1,800) – Mbarara, Uganda  
MSVF (seismic, ×1,800) – Monasavu, Fiji  
NNA (seismic, ×1,800) – Ñaña, Peru  
PMSA (seismic, ×500) – Palmer Station, Antarctica  
R199D (seismic, ×100) – Cambridge, MA, USA  
SJG (seismic, ×1,000) – San Juan, Puerto Rico  
ULN (seismic, ×900) – Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia  
WES (seismic, ×1,800) – Weston, MA, USA  
WRAB (seismic, ×1,800) – Tennant Creek, NT, Australia  
ESK (seismic, ×900) – Eskdalemuir, Scotland  
LVZ (seismic, ×1,800) – Lovozero, Russia  
SACV (seismic, ×1,800) – Santiago Island, Cape Verde  
SAO (seismic, ×1,800) – Hollister, CA, USA  
SBA (seismic, ×500) – Scott Base, Antarctica  
R199DB (infrasound, ×100) – Cambridge, MA, USA  
I59H (infrasound, ×200) – Keauhou, HI, USA  
None currently available

Other projects that deliver the Earthsound audio streams in alternative ways:

Earthsound Radio 92.5 FM, Pigeon Hill (2014–2021)
Earthsound Radio was a micro-power FM broadcast station that served the neighborhood of the Pigeon Hill Cemetery and Pigeon Hill Preserve in Steuben, Maine. Broadcast continuously the audio from the seismic stream PHME1A.
The Well of Knowing (2015)
A live environmental sound installation that was situated in an abandoned 160-foot-deep water well on the coast of Maine. A submerged hydrophone broadcast the live seismic sounds of the Earth down into the well, while a pair of microphones captured the sounds rising from the well itself. Earth was thus both source and receiver of sound: it was listening to itself. Visitors standing at the well opening were invited to listen to both the upwelling and downgoing streams of sound and to contemplate the possibility that the planet has achieved a kind of conscious self-awareness.